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Ramsey Theory

Ramsey Theory for Finite Graphs

Six people are waiting in the lobby of a hotel. Prove that there are either three of them who know each other, or three of them who do not know each other.

Ramsey theorem for graphs

Let kk and \ell be two positive integers, both of which are at least two. Then there exists a (minimal) positive integer R(k,)R(k, \ell) so that if we color the edges of a complete graph with R(k,)R(k, \ell) vertices red and blue, then this graph will either have a KkK_k subgraph with only red edges, or a KK_{\ell} subgraph with only blue edges.


We prove the statement by a new version of mathematical induction on kk and \ell. This induction will run as follows. First we prove the initial conditions that R(k,2)R(k, 2) and R(2,)R(2, \ell) exist for all kk, and all \ell. Then we take the induction step, proving that if R(k,1)R(k, \ell-1) exists, and also R(k1,)R(k-1, \ell) exists, then R(k,)R(k, \ell) also exists.

To see that the initial conditions hold, note that R(k,2)=kR(k, 2)=k, and similarly, R(2,)=R(2, \ell)=\ell. Indeed, either all edges of a KkK_k are red, and then it has a KkK_k subgraph with all edges red, or at least one of its edges is blue, in which case it has a K2K_2 subgraph with all edges blue. Analogous argument works for R(2,)R(2, \ell) We prove the induction step by showing that

R(k,)R(k,1)+R(k1,)R(k, \ell) \leq R(k, \ell-1)+R(k-1, \ell)

Indeed, take a complete graph with R(k,1)+R(k1,)R(k, \ell-1)+R(k-1, \ell) vertices. Take one of its vertices, and call it VV. As VV has degree R(k,1)+R(k1,)1R(k, \ell-1)+R(k-1, \ell)-1, it has either at least R(k,1)R(k, \ell-1) blue edges adjacent to it, or it has at least R(k1,)R(k-1, \ell) red edges adjacent to it.

In the first case, let bb denote the R(k,1)R(k, \ell-1)-element set of the other endpoints of these blue edges. Then, by the definition of R(k,1)R(k, \ell-1), the set bb either contains a monochromatic red KkK_k and we are done, or a monochromatic blue K1K_{\ell-1}, which can be completed to a monochromatic blue KK_{\ell} by adding the vertex VV, and we are done.

In the second case, let rr denote the R(k1,)R(k-1, \ell)-element set of the other endpoints of these red edges. Then again, rr either contains a monochromatic blue KK_{\ell} and we are done, or a monochromatic red Kk1K_{k-1}, which can be completed to a monochromatic red KkK_k by adding the vertex VV, and we are done again.

So the inequality is proved, therefore the induction step is proved, and therefore the theorem is proved.


For all positive integers k2k \geq 2 and 2\ell \geq 2, the inequality

R(k,)R(k,1)+R(k1,)R(k, \ell) \leq R(k, \ell-1)+R(k-1, \ell)


Generalizations of the Ramsey Theorem

A circle of 17 friends has the property that no matter how we choose two from these 17 friends, those two people correspond with each other on one of three given subjects. Prove that there are three friends among the circle of these 17 friends such that any two of the three of them correspond with each other on the same subject.


Let n1,n2,,nkn_1, n_2, \cdots, n_k be positive integers, with kk fixed. Then there exists a minimal positive integer N=R(n1,n2,,nk)N=R\left(n_1, n_2, \cdots, n_k\right) so that if n>Nn>N, and we color all edges of G=KnG=K_n with colors 1,2,,k1,2, \cdots, k, then there will always be at least one index i[k]i \in[k] so that GG has a KniK_{n_i} subgraph whose edges are all of color ii.


We prove the statement by induction on n1+n_1+ n2++nkn_2+\cdots+n_k. The initial case of n1=n2==nk=1n_1=n_2=\cdots=n_k=1 is trivial. Now let us assume that we know the statement for all positive integers n1,n2,,nkn_1, n_2, \cdots, n_k whose sum is less than mm, and prove it for the case when their sum is mm.

Note that by our induction hypothesis, we know that the positive integer R(n11,n2,,nk)R\left(n_1-1, n_2, \cdots, n_k\right) exists. Set N=k(R(n11,n2,,nk)1)+2N=k\left(R\left(n_1-1, n_2, \cdots, n_k\right)-1\right)+2. Let us assume that GG has a vertex VV so that the color that occurs most frequently among the edges adjacent to VV is color 1 . That means that at least R(n11,n2,,nk)R\left(n_1-1, n_2, \cdots, n_k\right) edges adjacent to that vertex are of color 1 . Let SS be the set of the endpoints of these edges (other than VV ), and let KSK_S the complete graph with vertex set SS.

By the definition of R(n11,n2,,nk)R\left(n_1-1, n_2, \cdots, n_k\right) either there exists a vertex i{2,3,,k}i \in\{2,3, \cdots, k\} so that KSK_S has a KniK_{n_i} subgraph with all edges colored ii and we are done, or KSK_S has a Kn11K_{n_1-1} subgraph with all edges colored 1, and then we are done again, adding VV to this subgraph.

The Erdős-Szekeres theorem

Let nn be a positive integer. Then there exists a (minimal) positive integer ES(n)E S(n) so that if there are NES(n)N \geq E S(n) points given in the plane, no three of which are collinear, then we can choose nn points from them that form a convex nn-gon.


We claim that R3(n,n)R_3(n, n) will always be such a positive integer (not necessarily the minimal one). Take the complete graph whose vertices are our R3(n,n)R_3(n, n) points in the plane. Color its triangles red or blue according to the following rule. Number the points from 1 to R3(n,n)R_3(n, n), and color a triangle red if the path from the smallest number via the middle one to the largest one is clockwise. Color a triangle blue if that path is counterclockwise.

As our graph has R3(n,n)R_3(n, n) vertices, there will be a KnK_n subgraph with monochromatic triangles. We claim that the vertices of this KnK_n subgraph form a convex nn-gon. To see this, it suffices to show that there are no four vertices in this subgraph so that one is within the triangle spanned by the other three.

Let us assume without loss of generality that A<B<CA<B<C, and that all triangles of our K4K_4 at hand are red. Then the fact that triangle ADBA D B is red forces D<A<BD<A<B. (Indeed, A<D<BA<D<B would mean that the triangle ADBA D B is blue, and A<B<DA<B<D would mean that either the triangle BCDB C D is blue, or D>CD>C, in which case triangle ACDA C D is blue.) Then, however, D<A<CD<A<C, and triangle DACD A C is blue, which is a contradiction. This completes the proof.